Thursday, April 7, 2011

Health Quiz for Mothers

1. This mineral is essential for healthy red blood cells and a deficiency causes anemia.

  1. Iron
  2. Magnesium
  3. Iodine
  4. Chromium

2. This nutrient is most important for healthy vision:

  1. Vitamin K
  2. Iron
  3. Calcium
  4. Vitamin A

3. What is the condition in which bones become brittle and break easily due to loss o f calcium?

  1. Osteoarthritis
  2. Obesty
  3. Diabetes
  4. Osteoporosis

4. Which one of the following oils is bad for your cholesterol count?

  1. Olive oil
  2. Coconut oil
  3. Mustard oil
  4. Soya oil

5. What is the most important thing to drink every day?

  1. Milk
  2. Water
  3. Fruit Juice
  4. Tea

6. Which of the following have anti cancer properties?

  1. Rice
  2. Garlic
  3. Fish
  4. Apples

7. Cooking in which vessel is said to bring about Alzheimer's disease?

  1. Aluminium
  2. Iron
  3. Copper
  4. Porcelain

8. Excessive fatigue and thirst are symptoms of:

  1. Diabetes
  2. Depression
  3. Alcoholism
  4. Viral fever

9. Seeing the rainbow effect around lights is indicative of:

  1. Being sunny natured
  2. Glaucoma
  3. Meningitis
  4. Nervous disorder

10. Intense sweating and nausea are indications of:

  1. Heart attack
  2. Paralytic stroke
  3. Indigestion
  4. Diarrhoea